
Dr. Ritrosky offers liposuction to help patients remove excess fat and create a more appealing body line. Liposuction can be used on many areas of the body, including the hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, and neck. If you are looking to contour and reshape specific areas of your body, liposuction may be your ideal solution. Inherited traits often prevent people from achieving their desired body shape. Even years of exercise may not yield significant or noticeable results in certain people. For many, the answer is liposuction, a surgical procedure which extracts fat from specific areas of the body.

Procedure Description:

The procedure is done on an outpatient basis under intravenous anesthesia. Small suction tubes (cannulas) are inserted through very short incisions placed in inconspicuous locations near the fat deposits, and excess fat is removed.

Recuperation and Healing:

The patient goes home with a compression garment covering the treated areas. Compression is advised for about four to six weeks as it helps reduce swelling and helps you achieve the final result more quickly. Once pain and soreness decrease, it is frequently more comfortable to wear lycra or spandex exercise pants. Initial discomfort is controlled with oral pain medication. Bruising and swelling usually subside in 2-4 weeks. The final result takes shape over 2-3 months. Remember everyone heals differently.

Other Options:

An additional procedure that would enhance the result are Tummy Tucks and Breast Procedures.