Breast Reduction

Breast reduction plastic surgery reduces the size and shape of your breasts. If you have large breasts that limit your physical activity and cause pain, breast reduction may be right for you. This procedure can benefit your whole body by creating a more proportional appearance and relieving back and shoulder discomfort. Breast reduction surgery removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve the breast size desired, enhancing a woman’s body image and confidence.

Procedure Description:

The procedure is done on an outpatient basis under intravenous anesthesia here at the surgery center or sometimes in the hospital. Incisions are made around the pigmented area (the nipple-areolar complex) and extend vertically below the nipple. The nipple-areolar complex is moved upward to the desired location and excess breast tissue, fat, and skin are removed.

Recuperation and Healing:

The incisions are covered with light dressings, and the breasts are placed in a bra. The bra holds the breasts symmetrically during the healing process. Initial discomfort is controlled with oral pain medication. Sutures are usually removed in 7-14 days. Light activities can be resumed as tolerated. Scars will usually fade in 6-12 months. Surgery will probably reduce and possibly eliminate the ability to breast feed. Remember everyone heals differently.

Other Options:

An additional procedure that would enhance the result is Liposuction of the axillary area to reduce excess fat deposits.